Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Star Trek: Many Uneventful Voyages

Star Trek has always been successful in the television medium (save for the lackluster series Enterprise); the movies though were a different story. Few installments in the film franchise were hits, most simply hoping to make a profit. While the movie's DVD sales to trekkies will continue on indefinitely, even the biggest star Trek fans agree that eighty percent of the films are crap (getting them to decide on which movies fall where is a tougher task). Like many historians say, "We must learn from our past in order to make a better future." Therefore, I believe an analysis of the past films will shine a new light on the strengths and weaknesses of Star Trek.

The Motion Picture
: The film's release proved Star Trek was a lucrative enough enterprise that further investments were wise. Good special effects were just starting to be made viable, making science fiction cost effective.
Weaknesses: Made shortly after 2001: A Space Odyssey, this feature contained probably some of most tedious scenes in all of Star Trek. Characters (except Kirk, Spock, and a few cameos) were not given anything remotely interesting to do.

The Wrath of Khan
: A solid plot compelled the audience to pay attention, filled to the brim with tension and excitement. An antagonist that virtually seethed animosity with every line, Khan was the villain that all other Star Trek bad guys aspired to be like. Continuity with what had come before took a back seat to good storytelling. Nearly every character had a solid story arc instead of simply being window dressing. The death of Spock.
Weaknesses: I doubt that I could think of something bad about this film.

The Search for Spock
Strengths: With solid direction and writing, the film was consistent in its quality. As a direct sequel to the last film, the plot plausibly continued the story it was in.
Weaknesses: The film was almost a rehash of themes from the last (larger than life villain, death of a major character, reliance on Kirk and Spock).

The Voyage Home
: Some of the best natural humor of Star Trek (funny episodes nearly all being flops on the different shows). The themes of the film were new and took the characters to new emotional territory.
Weaknesses: The film's message was rather obvious, not even concealed in a metaphor.

The Final Frontier
: I doubt that I could think of something good about this film. Well, there was one good scene involving the three main characters' past.
Weaknesses: Plot holes the width of a wormhole abound. All the terrible things about the Original Series were included (never mentioned before relative of main character shows up, needless special effects that were consistently bad, Klingon animosity forced into the plot, blatant disregard for continuity, an alien pretending to be a God, etc.).

The Undiscovered Country
: A good commentary on society. Good dialogue and effects. Action-adventure orientation missing from the rest of the films. Believable continuation of past story threads.
Weaknesses: The message might have been a little too topical. Small but noticeable continuity errors that could have been easily avoided (more egregious than those of The Wrath of Khan).


: The production values were high. A strong cast in both cameos and primary characters. Amazing crash sequence.
Weaknesses: Obvious writing errors made story points feel forced. Over reliance on a few characters while ignoring others. The rhythm of the film was off, making for an unpleasant viewing experience. Small but noticeable continuity errors that could have been easily avoided (more egregious than those of The Wrath of Khan and The Undiscovered Country). The death of Kirk.

First Contact
: New twist on past formula (tale of uncontrolled vengeance is provided for the protagonist instead of antagonist). Strongest antagonist since The Wrath of Khan's. A-plot and B-plot are smooth and create a natural rhythm.
Weaknesses: Some jokes are a tad flat.

: The effects are top notch. Its direction is solid.
Weaknesses: The story seems to have copied much of the designs of past films. More over reliance on certain characters while even greater ignorance of the rest of the cast. Needless and bloodless violence.

: A multitude of great action sequences.
Weaknesses: Though it is the end of The Next Generation's film series, the movie does not give justice to what made both the films and show great. It steals both the good (rival bent on extermination of Earth, dealing with the end of an era) and the bad (more rewriting of characters' back story with addition of previously unseen relatives, violence for the sake of fulfilling an action quota). The death of Data.

Hopefully, the people who made the new Star Trek feature were aware of these pros and cons.

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