Thursday, April 9, 2009

A small post for a petite week

Time to return to the world of blogging after a short sabbatical.

Top Nine Reasons To Listen To NPR:

9) There is nothing like the dreary tones of BBC radio to tire a weary insomniac.

8) Most programs still have their catchy pop-intros from the 90's.

7) The pledge drives are only once every six months, meaning twenty times more non-coercive coverage than PBS.

6) Since the people today are so ugly, it's nice to have news that doesn't require opening your eyes.

5) Monotony is key to a healthy ear.

4) You don't need famous people when you can hire people who sound like them for half the price

3) C
ommercials have never been so nonexistent before.

2) Who needs flashy images when a number of lengthy descriptive phrases would do?

1) Intelligence is currently in vogue.

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