Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Star Trek: The Wrath of Fhans

Early this morning, I felt the need to check up on Star Trek news. I had gone to trekmovie.com to see if there was anything interesting and found a new article about the future game Star Trek Online. It was detailing the facets of a Klingon ship players would be able to fly. I scrolled down to the comments section, reading through what other people wrote to see if any had generated the same opinion I had of the design. What I found was a grudge match in which Trekkies battled for the position of who could complain the most about the design, the game history, other posted comments, past television series, the current economy, and even a few insults thrown towards the Klingons. I was majorly depressed.

What happened to Trekkies being the 'nicest fanbase of the universe' (okay, I don't know if this title is
real)? The Star Trek Franchise is based in kindness, tolerance, and understanding, not loathing and detestation. In the words of the Black Eyed Peas, "Where is the love y'all?"

If I wanted to hear hateful speech directed towards fans of Star Trek I would talk to all my friends; I don't want this kind of despicable bigotry coming from people who actually like the shows (Star Trek: Voyager sucked big though).

We all need to work together if we hope to see this franchise continue. Maybe quoting a rap artist was a bad move when trying to talk to Trekkies (they prefer orchastrel music with the only lyrics to be a stern captain waxing poetic) so I will leave you to ponder the words of the great Klingon warrior Kahless, "Destroying an Empire to win a war is no victory... and ending a battle to save an Empire is no defeat."

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