Monday, March 23, 2009

No need to wait...

Due to general laziness, I decided to extend the Top Nine Television Shows I Have Ever Seen over the course of, you guessed it, nine posts.

Without further explanation... here's number eight:

8) Friends

I may be a simple country blogger, so many of the fads of the day hold little interest to me. I never danced the macarena or joined Oprah's book club. The only facet of my life that ran parallel with popular culture was a fascination with the show Friends.

I remember yelling "We were on a break!"at kids during recess (even though I didn't know those who I said it to). Hours after the last episode was over, I was still laughing at Joey's buffoonery and finally getting Chandler's snide comments. Pondering whether Ross and Rachel were every going to hook up was one of the last things I thought about before going to sleep.

Favorite character - Chandler - As a kid, Ross was my first choice, probably due to the fact that I am a nerd too. Now that I have grown up a tad, I've found that Chandler's witty remarks are my favorite parts of the episodes. Often times I wish I was half as sharp as he was over the years. The best comparison would be that Ross was what I recognized myself as; however, Chandler is who I want to become (without the kooky family troubles, messed up relationships, and smoking habit).

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