Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Star Trek: The CGI Picture

Well, J.J. Abrams just began an Eastern Asian Tour to promote the new Trek film. The film has been promoted on a number of continents (though I am unsure of which ones) and is looking to pull in the biggest Trek audience yet.

From what I've seen of Eastern Asian films (granted I have seen so little that I probably should not be coming to any conclusions; however, I'm a white American and judging people is in my blood) there seems to be higher ratio of action and stylization to narrative. So that leads me to conclude that if they are gearing this movie to accept an Eastern Asian audience as well than this movie will be nearer to the Star Wars spectrum of the Sci-Fi world than Star Trek. I understand that in this day and age it is easier to make big booms and bright lights than the past, but when has Star Trek ever had any of that? [Excluding episodes of TOS that actually had a budget and pretty much all of the later series and every movie] J.J. is killing Star Trek!

I liked Star Wars enough, but I will be a tad disappointed if this movie has a Star Wars slant. I need moral quandaries! Plus prosthetic foreheads! And dialog ripped directly from the pages of Shakespeare! There better not be one science-fantasy plot hole, they would take up screen time from the misguided scientific-based plotholes!

Right now, the only way this film could disappoint me would be if Jar jar Binks showed up to tag along with Pike/Kenobi and Kirk/Anakin. Other than that unhappy circumstance, I would be fine if they stole from Star Wars, War of the Worlds, and the Wide World of Sports or if it even had a super-secret Shatner cameo. Just as long as the franchise doesn't end with Nemesis.

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